Here is another one I made this morning.

In the depths of twilight's embrace, Where shadows dance, a tender space, I find a heart that holds allure, With secrets deep and dreams obscure. Within your soul, a gentle storm, A tapestry of darkness worn, Yet hidden within, a flicker bright, A beacon glowing, pure and light. Amidst the trials, I long to be, A soothing breeze that sets you free, To understand the depths you keep, And trace the paths that make you weep. In your abyss, I'll softly tread, Unveiling truths with gentle thread, With empathy, I'll seek to see, The tender facets you let me be. For love, it whispers in the night, Embracing flaws with gentle light, No judgment cast, just steadfast care, A gentle touch, a silent prayer. And though your darkness may persist, My love for you will still persist, Together, we'll unlock the maze, And bask in love's illuminating blaze. So let me lend a helping hand, To navigate your shifting sand, For in this journey we shall find, Love, respect, and peace entwined.

Thank you for reading!

Serena (SerenaTori) (ShadowWolf)

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