In a world obscured by shadows deep, A woman longs to help another weep. With tender heart and unwavering will, She seeks to nurture, to heal and fulfill. Through stormy nights and darkest fears, She stands beside, wiping away tears. The one she loves, lost in her own plight, Yearning to escape the eternal night. With gentle touch, she whispers hope, Guiding her love, helping her cope. A beacon of light, steadfast and strong, She fights the battles, rights every wrong. She sees the strength within her soul, A diamond in the rough, ready to unfold. Though darkness cloaks, obscuring the way, She believes in her, come what may. Together they face the demons inside, The woman by her side, forever tied. Through trials endured and mountains climbed, They conquer the darkness, one step at a time. The woman's love, a guiding force, Ignites a spark, a transformative source. She holds her close, nurtures her dreams, Unveiling her worth, stitching the seams. With patience and grace, she helps her see, The brilliance she holds, so divinely. Empowered now, the woman emerges, From the cocoon, her spirit surges. No longer captive to shadows cast, She breaks free, her light shining vast. The woman's love, a catalyst of change, Guiding her out of the depths, out of range. They celebrate triumphs, conquer their fears, Embracing their worth, wiping away tears. For in this journey, they both have found, Strength and resilience, forever profound. The woman's love, an eternal flame, Rekindles hope, sets their hearts aflame. Together they rise, shining ever bright, Overcoming darkness, embracing the light. And as they soar, hand in hand they roam, Their love story becomes a beacon, a home. For the woman's belief, unwavering and true, Helped her love find her best self anew.

Thank you for reading!

Serena (SerenaTori) (ShadowWolf)

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